What is an eCommerce Platform? How to sell product online ?
eCommerce means online Commerce. one type of shop which only exists at the internet where people can buy products and vendors can sell the product online. there is no need to come in physical contact to sell or buy any stuff that's the magic of the eCommerce. Buyers pay by online bank or credit card or wallet or Cash On Delivery and product get delivered at the buyer's home.
eCommerce shop can exist in the form of a website or app. merchant or vendor can sell products in eCommerce shops like Amazon, Flipkart etc.. or merchant or vendor can make their own dedicated website or app to sell their products.
how to sell the product at Amazon like multivendor e-shop?
1. Signup with Amazon . and make a seller account. choose selling plan.
2. Add Categories, Product details and images of the products etc..
3. to get more sell provide good quality products and fast shipping.
4. Get reviewed, Customer review is very useful. if you get good review more customer get attracted to your products and your sell increase automatically. good customer review only come from good service and providing good products.
How to build an eCommerce Platform?
To build eCommerce Platform is the little technical stuff. you can hire good dedicated eCommerce development team. but still, i brief you little about building the eCommerce Platform.
you can build eCommerce Platform in opensource or make eCommerce Platform from scratch. there are many opensource code available which is free to use under GPL or other licence and also safe and secure to use.
OpenSource script like OsCommerce .. etc..
How to setup an eCommerce shop by the Opensource system?
1. install Opensource script to your server
2. change look and layout .in another word change the theme .
3. customize opensource as per your requirment
4. add categories and products
5. add and configure payment gateway and shipping gateway
6. start advertising and selling . thats it .
How to build unique idea based eCommerce Platform?
when you are developing a very unique concept for selling products and which is not fit to the regular Opensource eCommerce Platform. you should consider developing from scratch. you cant use the already made eCommerce system so it very time consuming to make eCommerce Platform. but it stand out of the row.
1. Before start development. write down your ideas and formal prototype of it .
2. Design DB and schema and flow diagram
3. Find a good eCommerce Development team