what is Mobile App ?
Mobile App is designed or developed for purpose to run in small device like Mobile , Tablet , Watch . Mobile App is programmed in differ languages based on the "Mobile Device Operating System" , suppose if Mobile App is intended to run in Android Os , it should be programmed in Java , Kotlin , C++ etc.. , if you Mobile App is intended to run in IOS , it should be programmed in Swift , Objective C etc..
Category of Mobile App
1. Gaming Mobile App
as name state , Mobile App used for Gaming purpose. Example of Gaming Mobile App is like Candy Crush Saga , Angry bird , PUBG etc..
2. Lifestyle based Mobile App
Lifestyle Mobile App is used to help improve the life style like Fitness related Mobile App , Travel related Mobile App etc..
3. Video Chatting Mobile App
Video chatting is used for Video calling and chatting . Video chatting app is Google Hangout , Zoom cloud Meeting etc..
4. Social Networking Mobile App
Instagram , Twitter , Facebook , Whatsapp , Snapchat etc. can be considered as Social Networking App , where people can interact with each other by Mobile App , like In instagram one can share their stories and photos and other can like , share or comment on it .
5. Informatics Mobile App
In informatics Mobile App , we can consider the News App where people can watch news video or read the news at Mobile App , Some other app which like company info providing App which provide you detail about company or brand like .
6. Tools & Utilities Mobile App
in Tools & Utilities , Mobile app is used for daily routine life . Like Calculator Mobile App can be used for do calculation at Mobile , Google transalator Mobile App can be used for the Translate the text on the go .
7. Entertainment Mobile App
in Entertainment Mobile App, we can consider the app like Youtube , Netflix , Tiktok , Spotify App ,in which User can see the videos . online movies and listen music etc..
8 Education Mobile App
Now in this days , it easy to learn new thing , even without going at school or collages . Education Mobile App can be used for the learning at home by Mobile app. which is also called E-learning App . edx , Udemy , Ted etc.. is E-learning Mobile App
9. Banking Mobile App
Banking Mobile App can be used for the banking related work like Pay and collect money from anyone instantly , View and transact from all your accounts etc..
10. Shopping Mobile App
One can search the product at Shopping Mobile App and choose the Product he want and get delivery at home without any hassle , its only possible through Shopping Mobile App