Knet Payment Gateway Integration in Website
Archirayan infotech provide a robust solution for Knet Payment Gateway Integration, we provide differ solution based on the client requirement for Knet Payment Gateway Integration.
First step is apply for Payment Gateway at Knet Payment(https://www.knet.com.kw/)
Frequently Asked Questions:
How to apply for Knet Payment Gateway?
Knet dont provide direct registration form or direct service to any merchant , there are some local Knet Member bank , you need to contact them and sign contract with them to join the Knet Payment Gateway service.
After approval of contract , you will provided api details and documentation for the integration and also login detail of the Knet dashboard
What detail needed for the Knet Payment Gateway?
Knet provides you the following detail which you need to provide the Developers :
Tran portal Id
Tran portal Password
Terminal Resource Key
This is very useful information, you can use it for API Auth as well and it also used at admin login at Knet Payment gateway Admin
along this detail, you will get the testing url of Knet Payment Gateway .
Knet will Provide Merchant login to check the orders as well .
Archirayan infotech offers Knet Payment Gateway Integration in Website with any language. Archirayan infotech make comptiable plugin with any CMS and Web standard.
Developer should encrypt the parameters before sending request to Knet .
How to use Knet Payment Gateway Testing Credential ?
For Success Response ::
1. Choose Knet Test Card[KNET1] in Select Your Bank Dropdown
2. It auto select prefix to 888888 And Enter 0000000001 to the Credit card number
3. Please select 09 / 2021 at Expiry Date dropdown
4. Enter any four digit no. at PIN
5. Click on the Submit and than Confirm Detail at Next screen
For Error Response ::
Follow above step but Enter any Credit card number except 0000000001 or choose any Expiry Date except 09 / 2021
How to configure return response url at Knet Payment gateway ?
in the trandata
parameter, pass encrypted responseURL
and errorURL
as parameter
in simple word, responseURL
and errorURL
are return URL from Knet to Merchant website
After payment at Knet Payment gateway, it redirect to Merchant websites's responseURL .
if Payment is not successful then it redirect to Merchant websites's errorURL .
PHP sample code for configuring response at Knet Payment gateway