how to improve Google PageSpeed Insights score?
What is Google PageSpeed Insights ?
PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is tool by Google, where it generates reports on the performance of a web page on both mobile and desktop devices, and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved.so the purpose of the PageSpeed Insight is used to identify the common problems that affect your website performance, accessibility and User experience.PageSpeed Insights analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster.
Why good Google PageSpeed Insights score is so important ?
Google PageSpeed is not only about the speed score. but PageSpeed Insights score is also represente about page's performance, accessibility, and User experience.so High score means your website's page is more good in performance and has excellent accessibility and much more user-friendly experience.
How much is the best Google PageSpeed Insights score?
Between 90-100 is the best Google PageSpeed Insights score. between 50–89 is the average score . and the score is in between the 0–49 is not good.
Common tips to increase the PageSpeed Insights score :
1. remove unused JavaScript and CSS.
2. increase the speed of server scripting. remove unneeded code, unneeded HTML, unneeded iteration and loops which making web page slow
3. use cache to make a page faster. caching is the best method to make the webpage faster.
4. improve the size of images which is very heavy to load. and if possible use image sprite which means put multiple images into a single image.so instead of multiple images , need to fetch only image sprite and which makes web page faster and saves network bandwidth.
5. UI should be user friendly. overlapping and not usable UI will negatively effect on Pageinsight score.
6. Leverage the font-display CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading.
7. try lazy loading for images and page portion which is not visible at first view.
8. minify & compress CSS and javascript .
9. combine multiple CSS into one CSS and combine multiple javascript into one javascript. it will reduce the number of server requests and save bandwidth.
10. Mobile responsive design provide good user experience and it will also help to increase the pageinsight score.