How to build Review & Rating system for web and app ?
Review & Rating system very useful to part of many shopping sites or app, service provider sites or apps. because customers can view service provider or product review and rating before buying it. and also people can write positive or negative reviews and provide star ratings from five to five for good and five to zero for bad products or service providers.
Reviews & Rating website or app Platform should have the following module :
User management :
Creation of admin users, editors, users with view-only rights,
blocking users, blocking user ip addresses,
Category Management :
creation of categories, subcategories, changing categories of reviews posted by users
Reviews Management
approving or disapproving reviews,
capability to remove a particular review,
to view listing of reviews posted on a particular day / dates / range – all or product or service or shop or org or people
– within each entity further filter eg products – home appliances – washing machines – brand – verified reviews, messages monitoring between members, auto stripping of certain terms,
capability to remove reply,
the capability of message reply to the members,
capability to upload image n text for “new feature tab” on the website.
Search Reviews – the search engine must-have capabilities of providing suggestions, suggestion selection & rapid results display on huge data.
Browse Categories – drop-down showing different categories for selection.
Registration as an individual, shop or organization. Registration on the basis of Facebook or email id, email id verification.
On login the user is taken to his dashboard wherein he gets to see
Messages, write a review option, list of reviews posted by him, with each review options like edit (only avl for the same calendar day), comment, reply – stripping of ph number & email id
Writing a review across – product, service, shop, organization or person
So each carries a different form on selection
Each form will have questions accordingly
Also the user will have the option to upload an image of a proof or pdf, in this case the review will be shown as verified review.
Out of verified reviews every month there will be a lottery and a certain number of prizes will be given. There will be a section on the website wherein users can check names of winners, their email ids to communicate to confirm if rqd. The data here can be checked by the users by selecting a particular month / yr. The data stays in this section longest for 18 months n then auto it gets removed with a backup.