how to build Courier web system ?
Courier is very good way to get your package delivered at destination . Courier is sometime life sever .some business are depend on the local and international courier company to get delivered their packages to their customers or one office to another office . some of the local courier company still running old fashioned way of book entry and log in their log book for their packages entry and other logs , which is very painful and not so smart way to in modern day of technology.
Courier Web System is good approach to handle the Courier business. so i will walk through all aspect of building Courier Web System. so first of all lets list out all feature should be in Courier Web System
Following features should be in Courier web system :
Admin should have following module :
1. Customer Management : Admin can see list of customers , Also can edit info of the customer and delete or block it if needed .
2. Orders, Packages and Invoices Management : Admin can see the list of Orders , Package status like it is in transit or delivered , Admin can able to create invoice , send invoice as mail , Generate new order with package size and weight and location. based on the size and weight and location , Price auto decide by system based on the rules
3. Record logs : Admin can see all the logs like system log , error log , package in and out log etc..
4. Staff management : Admin can create new staff or delivery boy entry in system . and staff and delivery boy got separate login to see their daily delivery or task or instructions about the delivery . Admin can create sub admin and moderator for system wide operation management
5. email alerts : Customer can get email alert for their package transit information , Admin can get email alert for every new order and on completion of delivery .
6. settings for adjusting pricing and zones : Admin can setup the rule for pricing . rule can be based on the size and weight of the package , rule can be based on the delivery location . Admin can add or remove zones , so if zone is not in setting than order can be placed on that zone.
7. Reports : expert order can be export in the format of the .xls , .csv or .pdf format , Admin can export orders based on the date range filters
Delivery Boy have following screens
1. Auto route system : System auto assign the packaged based on the delivery address to save fuel cost and time , route also be decided based low traffic route
2. Assigned orders : Delivery boy daily see their assigned orders , pending orders from past dates , and other special orders which need to delivered in priority ,
3. Customer Confirmation : When packages / order be delivered to customer door . Customer need to either sign it or provide otp to delivery boy to enter in the system to confirm that order delivered in right hand.
Customers should have following screens :
1. Orders and Invoices : Customer can view the orders , and their status . Customer can see their spend in courier service by date or month . Customer can search their courier by date ranges.
2. Ticket / Support system : Customer can generate ticket based on the order id . so they can report to admin and moderator about their problem with any last orders. customer get e-mail notification for all reply from the admin or moderator
3. Order From anywhere : Customer can place the order from their location . so delivery boy can pickup the package and get delivered order to destination
Mobile friendly and responsiveness help Delivery boy and customer to use web system to anywhere . which is great plus feature you can add .
This all above feature is suggestion as per my view , one can add many more custom features as they requirement and business nature .
Programming and Technology
Now we have feature list ready . so its time to implement it. so it is really important to choose wisely which Programming language we choose to implement it . so what are the options ?
one very popular option is PHP , MySQL , HTML , CSS , jQuery and with bootstrap you can achieve the mobile friendly website.
and also Django frame work also good option , Othere is Asp.net . so choose your pick and find the suitable company or freelancer to implement it.
How Archirayan infotech help to build Courier Web System ?
Archirayan infotech have wide range experienced staff with expertise in differ programming languages . we can delivery Website with good standard and quality with mobile responsive view. we can offer you all feature as listed in above in and also we can work on your suggestion for custom requirement as well. so contact us for further discussion about the developing Courier Web System