Cab Booking App Process : How Taxi Booking process works in Apps?
Taxi Booking Apps is essential service in now a days. Taxi service booking increasing day by day because Taxi Booking Apps.in past , To Arrange for transportation require to make call to taxicab or unknown company which is very difficult in many way.
Taxi Booking Apps give us many features which include easy booking service procedure , easy payment options etc..
How Taxi Booking Apps work ?
Customer can download the Taxi Booking App from Google Play store or Apple App store .
Register yourself with Taxi Booking App & Locate the Service
Select Trip Starting Point to Destination Location.
some Apps provide the map to choose select destination which is more easy.
one can also choose previously saved destination as well like Home , Office etc..
after choosing the destination . you need to select the car from the given option. option should be like Mini cars , Prime Sedan , Prime SUV , Prime SUV+
Trip Type can be :
1. Daily : Daily trip will be held like daily route like home to office or collage or other daily location . Taxi company have may be some good discount for daily route. it should be local trip.
2. Rentals : in Rental trip , user can rent cab for hourly base rent or fixed kilometer price , Price can be usually 4 usd to 10 usd per hour .to rent car is best suit for picnic or personal solo trip.
3. Outstations : when destination location is out of city than trip must be outstation . if Outstation trip is for out of state than price come with per kilometer or it will be fixed amount for trip . User can book round trip or one way trip , charge will be changed based on it .
Book the Service and Pay for service from Given Payment options
Drivers get the notification for trip and one of them can accept it. and customer get confirmation about the trip. and get the detail about the driver.